Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Girls had their check-ups

Maggie had her 18 month check up yesterday. She is a very healthy girl. She weighs 22 lbs and 8 oz. (25th%) and she is 33 1/2 inches tall (90th%). She has a large head as the others-- it is also in the 90th % for growth. She received one shot and a finger prick to check for iron (13.5). So all was good. We did talk about her lack of speech and her major temper tantrums that she has occasionally (HA! I mean every time she doesn't' get her way).

Now for Kate...She had a not so great appt. In December she was not measuring on the chart for height (I realize this may not be a big surprise to most of you as I am a shorty). She was always in the 5th-10th % for height. Well she was -3% (not on the chart) in December. We were told to have her rechecked in June (her half b-day month). Well it looks like she is at a standstill for her growing (she grew a 1/4 of an inch). This may just be a plateau and she will most likely pick back up, but in the meantime we need to have some test run. So ugh they had to draw blood yesterday and it was the worst thing I have had to witness as a parent so far. She was screaming at the top of her lungs "it hurts it hurts". I was holding her legs and today realizes how dumb that was I should have been near her face so she could see me. It was awful. They couldn't get enough out of one arm so they had to stick the other arm. She was completely dripping in sweat form sheer terror. I felt so bad for her. We should have the results back on Friday. No need to get into what ifs until we know the results.


Just Julie said...

I am sorry that poor Kate had such a hard time at the doctor.

Harris Boys said...

yay for maggie, what did the doc say about her speech?

and poor lil Kate...OUCH. so sorry your dealing with this mel, def. keep us all posted with the results!

donna said...

Poor Kate...just reading made me cringe in pain.